Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mini Mission # 18 - Host a Dinner Party

Remember Gran Torino? The scene where Clint is invited to the BBQ
is hilarious. Source
Maybe you've made some friends by now? Your fellow regulars, or maybe your neighbors who you see at the bakery? What about inviting some of them to your house for a dinner party? This is a great way to get to know your new acquaintances better and also to show off your culinary skills. Don't have any? No problem! Just do something easy. You could even order in. 

Here are some ideas for an easy dinner party with your new friends:

  • Make some local dishes - try your hand at whatever seems easiest! Or better yet, ask your new friends to give you their favorite recipe. Maybe they want to help you with the prep work?
  • Introduce your new buddies to your favorite recipes from home. Go crazy. Think Mac and Cheese and Nachos, or a chili bar! 
  • Try a potluck. Invite your friends over, provide beverages, and encourage everyone to bring their favorite dish. It's a great conversation starter!
Did you host a dinner party? Which approach did you choose? I love to try my hand at local dishes, but for a no fair gathering I always resort to my home favorites, because no one knows better! 

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas! I love mixing up people and food. We brought guacamole & pico de gallo to a Berliner's this weekend and were delighted when they had never had anything Mexican before.


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